Direct ancestors of Max Horlbeck

Max Gottlob Horlbeck, born October 12th, 1887 in Bayreuth/Bavaria, was the author of the book "Die Horlbeck im Vogtland, im angrenzenden Thüringen und Franken", published in 1934.

He married 1913 Lina Gottsmann. They had two sons, Max Ludwig, born April 16th, 1915 in Regensburg, and Reinhold Gottlieb Heinrich, born May 24th, 1926 in Bayreuth.

Max Ludwig Horlbeck was later officer of the German Wehrmacht. He died 1945 near Gotenhafen.

His son Gernot Horlbeck was born December 1942. He was a chemist and went later to the United States, where his Family live.

In the following overview are shown the direct ancestors of Max Gottlob Horlbeck, for 4 to 5 Generations back.

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